Carbon Points for Climate Kiwis



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Get the most out of the Carbon Points system by signing up for a Climate Kiwi monthly subscription.

A Climate Kiwi account gives you access to additional features and discounts.

If you already measure, reduce or offset your emissions, you can generate discounted Carbon Points by sending us proof of your actions here.

Discounted Carbon Points cost $20 per tonne of CO2e from your climate actions (instead of $40 per tonne for Carbon Points available to non-subscribers).

We challenge Climate Kiwis to reduce your personal emissions by a minimum of 5% each year, which will keep you on track to reach net zero emissions by 2050. We recommend that you use FutureFit to find easy ways to reduce your emissions and submit your achievements through the above link. If you achieve the annual 5% reduction challenge, you can also claim your Climate Race to 2030 winner's medal.




What are Carbon Points™?

Carbon Points™ are rewards that represent verified actions to address greenhouse gas emissions. 

GoZero generates 1000 Carbon Points™ for every tonne of CO2e of action to reduce or remove emissions.

We reward Kiwis with Carbon Points™ when they address their personal carbon emissions or purchase deals from GoZero Climate Action Businesses.

Businesses can only create GoZero deals if they are taking credible climate action. Find out more about GoZero's Climate Solutions for Businesses.

Earning Carbon Points™

We challenge Kiwis to earn 910 Carbon Points™ per month. This is equal to the average Kiwi carbon footprint.

You can check your progress using the tracking tools in your account, and when you hit your monthly Carbon Points target, you gain GoZero Hero status and receive great discounts through premium deals for the following month.

To earn Carbon Points rewards you should:

  • Sign up for a free Carbon Points account;
  • Use our Deals Directory to identify deals from our Climate Action Businesses;
  • Scan your account's QR Code at point of sale.
  • Top up your account at the end of each month to ensure that you hit your Carbon Points target.
  • Get your monthly Climate Kiwi subscription for discounted Carbon Points and premium features.

What is my Carbon Points target?

Your monthly Carbon Points target is equivalent to the average carbon footprint in New Zealand. It includes per capita shares of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by households as well as by the business sector and other sources.

According to government data, New Zealand's net emissions per capita in 2021 were 10.9 tonnes of CO2e, or 0.91 tonnes of CO2e per month. Based on this, we have set your monthly Carbon Points target at 910 Carbon Points, as 1 Carbon Point is equivalent to 1 kg of CO2e emissions.

Households only accounted directly for 11% of emissions production in 2021. Government consumption data also shows that households were involved in around 70% of carbon emissions. The decisions that Kiwis make when purchasing goods and services can therefore have a significant impact on the country's emissions. GoZero gives you the tools to make choices that support climate action when you shop.

Free accounts allow you to earn Carbon Points through deals from GoZero's Climate Action Businesses. You can also top up your account using Carbon Points generated from GoZero's Gold Standard emissions reduction carbon credits, to make sure that you achieve GoZero Hero status and unlock great discounts for the following month.

Climate Kiwi accounts automatically generate 375 Carbon Points per month from GoZero carbon credits and also allow you to generate Carbon Points by taking climate action to reduce your emissions. 

Will I be net zero?

The Carbon Points system is designed to accelerate action on carbon emissions. Hitting your target means you have done enough to address your per capita share of New Zealand's emissions and qualify for rewards from GoZero Climate Action Businesses.

Hitting your monthly Carbon Points target is not the same as being net zero. To claim net zero status, businesses must precisely measure and address their specific greenhouse gas emissions. 

GoZero does not provide net zero certification, as other organisations are already doing this job well.

We are primarily focused on removing barriers to action and ensuring that as many people and businesses are taking action to reduce their emissions.