About Us

We Want You!

We're just getting started. We have recently completed the MVP of our Carbon Points system, allowing businesses to reward their customers from wherever they do their business without costly system integrations. We're now looking for businesses in Wellington to support us by becoming founding members, so that we can refine our systems and deliver the most seamless and effective services. Whether your business is small or large, if you want to become part of our exciting experiment to deliver meaningful emissions reductions, contact us and Let's Go!



Carbon Points for Kiwis

Carbon Points measure the positive actions that Kiwis and Kiwi businesses take to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. We go beyond measuring emissions, which can be a bit of downer. We help Kiwis and businesses take climate-positive actions and share in the joy and rewards of doing so. 

Every kilogramme of CO2 that you reduce generates a Carbon Point in your account. Businesses can easily reward their customers with Carbon Points by scanning a QR code at point-of-sale. When Kiwis collect 910 Carbon Points in a month they gain access to premium GoZero deals.

The Carbon Points™ system unleashes your purchasing power to transform our economy, by connecting you with businesses that are taking action to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. We empower you to make the climate-positive choices when you shop.

Find out more about how Carbon Points™ works and get a Climate Action Kiwi monthly subscription to unlock special features and free Carbon Points.

Climate Solutions for Business

GoZero works to make climate action more accessible for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by removing barriers that prevent them from turning concern about the climate crisis into effective actions to reduce emissions.

Emissions measurement and certification solutions can be overly time-consuming, complex and costly, especially for SMEs.

We have designed our climate solutions to make it cheaper, faster and easier for businesses of any size to take credible action.

GoZero's Climate Solutions empower businesses to more easily assess their emissions, determine realistic reduction targets and find appropriate strategies to deliver real impact. Turn your actions into rewards for your customers, clients and employees using the Carbon Points™ system.

Find out more and subscribe to GoZero's Climate Solutions for Business.

Who We Are

Our vision

GoZero envisages a world in which humanity lives sustainably and in harmony with the planet's climate and biodiversity.


Our mission

To create a sustainable future for all, by empowering people and businesses with accessible, meaningful solutions to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Our Values

Being climate-positive

Creating a sustainable future by championing positive climate action and by fostering biodiversity is at the core of what we do. We are driven by our passion to protect and conserve the health of our planet - not just for us, but for the generations to come. We are working to enable all climate actors to become emissions-free and drive down greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.


We will do what is right, even when it is not easy. Our commitment to transparency, accountability and governance, notably in how we measure climate action, is the foundation of trust that we build with our users, businesses and partners. We believe that our responsibility towards positive climate action doesn’t end in the carbon market. It is our continuous commitment to rigorously scrutinize and reward authentic behaviour that creates positive climate action.


Independence allows us to make decisions that prioritise the needs of our planet and our members. We are data-informed and are not beholden to any political agenda or industry. Our independence allows us to be nimble and proactive to changing circumstances, and to operate guided by ethics, fairness and equality, alongside the standards set by objective institutions governing the carbon market.


Real change starts when we come together. We believe that all actors in creating positive climate action are our friends and allies. Creating a secure, sustainable future is only possible by building a community of people and organisations with shared goals and aligned interests, and fostering cooperation and participation among its members. We want you to join us to create this future, together.