Our Services and Pricing

Carbon Points Rewards for Kiwis

Join GoZero to track your emissions and use your purchasing power to support businesses that are taking climate action. Sign up for a free account to start receiving Carbon Points rewards when you purchase deals from GoZero Climate Action Businesses. 

Upgrade to a monthly Climate Kiwi subscription to make it easier and cheaper to access premium deals and discounts. Climate Kiwi subscribers receive 375 Carbon Points each month and can earn discounted Carbon Points by reducing emissions as well as from credible 3rd party offsets. Find out more about how your monthly subscription works here.




Climate Solutions and Rewards for Business

GoZero's Climate Solutions make taking climate action less costly, time-consuming and complicated for businesses. Turn your climate actions into rewards for your customers, boosting your brand and sales.



Register as a GoZero Climate Action Business to create your GoZero Business account.





Select either a 12-month subscription (monthly tab) or a kick-starter rewards campaign (one-time tab) to take action to reduce your carbon emissions, generate rewards for your customers and boost your brand and sales. Find out more about GoZero's Carbon Reduce and Reward Solutions and Kick-starter Rewards Campaign here.





Reward your customers and boost your campaign by generating Carbon Points from your greenhouse gas reduction achievements or GoZero's Gold Standard reduction carbon credits.



Gold Standard logo

Our reduction projects

GoZero focuses on promoting emissions reductions rather than the emit, measure and offset approach used by the majority of other systems. There is global scientific consensus that offsets cannot solve climate change and should only be a small part of the effort to get to Net Zero by 2050. Many types of offsets have faced serious criticism recently, due to their inability to deliver the promised emissions removals, or due to violations of the human rights of indigenous and local populations where such projects take place.

To generate Carbon Points that can be used to top up reward campaigns and member accounts, GoZero exclusively uses high-integrity, Gold Standard carbon credits from projects that reduce emissions, such as those from cook stove projects. These deliver emissions reductions as well as certified co-benefits, such as improved health and livelihoods, under the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Improved Cook Stove Project, Uganda

Under this Gold Standard-certified project, improved cook stoves (ICS) have been provided to families in three districts in Uganda. Cook stove projects produce amongst the most credible types of carbon credits.

These cookstoves replace traditional cooking methods, increasing efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They also improve family members' health and reduce the need for them to collect firewood.

This project has certified SDG impacts, under SDGs 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and 13 (Climate Action).