Register, Reduce, Reward and earn Recognition
We believe that your business can thrive while transitioning to a low-carbon, sustainable future. We know that for many businesses making this transition can seem overly costly, time-consuming and complex. GoZero's Carbon Points make it easier for your business to take meaningful action on its greenhouse gas emissions without breaking the bank. Decarbonising your business and reducing the ecological impact of your products, services and supply chains will make it ready for an economy that prioritises people and planet.
We do the research to find credible ways to deliver measurable impact, so you don't need to worry that your business is making the wrong choices. Subscribe to become a GoZero Climate Action Business and join the effort to decarbonise and redesign New Zealand's economy.
1. Register Your Business
Any information that you provide to GoZero, including concerning your greenhouse gas emissions and revenue, will remain strictly confidential, as per GoZero's terms and conditions for business.
2. Subscribe, Reduce and Reward
GoZero helps businesses to make emissions reductions more easily. Subscribe to the Carbon Points system to turn your reductions into rewards for your customers.
Carbon Points for Business Subscription
What You Receive
Listing in the GoZero marketplace
- Listing in the Climate Action Business Directory, connecting you with environmentally-conscious GoZero members.
- Your deals in GoZero's marketplace and the opportunity to reward your customers at point of sale.
Carbon Measurement
- A carbon footprint estimate, allowing you to kick-start your climate actions and rewards.
- Support measuring your emissions, to boost the precision of your climate actions.
Climate Action Strategies and Tracking
- An emissions reduction target and simple strategies and solutions to achieve emissions reductions efficiently and cost-effectively, including through your supply chain.
- Regular emissions reduction tracking, to keep you on course for success.
The World's First Climate Action Customer Reward System
- Access to our customer QR code scan & reward system
- 1000 Carbon Points per month (value $40)
- 1000 free Carbon Points for every tonne of CO2e that you reduce
- Discounted Carbon Points from 3rd party offsets (turn every tonne reduced into 1000 Carbon Points for only $20).
- Free Carbon Points when you reduce other ecological impacts (plastic or chemical pollution, waste, water or land use, resource extraction, or biodiversity loss).
- Communicate your climate action and other ecological achievements to your customers through your Carbon Points rewards
- Free participation in the Race to 2030. Reduce emissions to become a Race winner each year (save $12.5 each month).
Your Benefits
- Join the only marketplace that rewards climate and ecological action by businesses and their customers;
- Connect with people and community groups that are working to protect the climate and wider environment;
- Improve employee satisfaction and retention;
- Make power and fuel cost savings when you switch away from fossil fuels;
- Reduce risk, by preparing your business for future climate and environmental disclosures.
3. Reward Your Customers
Provide Carbon Points to your customers through standard and premium deals in the GoZero marketplace. To make things simple, we set spend-based deals as default, eg:
- Standard deal: for every $20 spent, your Carbon Points customer receives 50 Carbon Points.
- Premium deal: for every $20 spent, your GoZero Hero customer receives 50 Carbon Points and $1 cashback.
Our system is highly flexible, allowing you to choose the kind of deals you wish to create. Please contact us to discuss different ways to set up your deals and how Carbon Points can work with your existing loyalty system.
4. Earn Recognition when you reduce emissions
GoZero is partnered with the Greendeals Charitable Trust to encourage rapid emissions reductions by individuals, groups, organisations and businesses of all sizes. If you achieve at least 5% greenhouse gas emissions reduction over 12 months, you will receive a Race to 2030 Winners badge and feature in GoZero's communications. GoZero Carbon Points subscriptions cover the $149 annual entry fee for the Race. Find out more about the Race to 2030.