Climate Solutions for Business


Every business can be a Climate Action Business

GoZero's Climate Solutions make it easier for your business to take action on its greenhouse gas emissions. 

Create a GoZero Climate Action Business account and subscribe to the relevant Carbon Reduce and Rewards Solution (below) to enjoy the following services and features:


Join the climate action marketplace

When you subscribe, your business will be listed in our Climate Action Business Directory for free, connecting you with climate-conscious consumers using the GoZero marketplace. Boost your sales and your brand by communicating your environmental achievements to your customers, with confidence, at point of sale.


Annual carbon footprint estimate 

We provide you with an estimate of your greenhouse gas emissions, allowing you to kick-start your actions to measurably reduce emissions. 

We incentivise subscribed businesses with 1,000 free Carbon Points to use the Climate Action Toolbox to carry out simple measurements of their emissions intensity. This helps to enhance the precision of reduction actions.


Annual carbon emissions reduction target

We provide your business with an emissions reduction target, equivalent to 5% of emissions over 12 months, and recommend simple strategies and solutions to achieve emissions reduction success. We connect you with approaches and services to help you address your emissions efficiently and cost-effectively. 


Monthly emissions reduction tracking

We will help you to track your progress towards your annual emissions reduction target each month, through a simple monthly assessment form.


Generate Carbon Points from your emissions reductions

Businesses that achieve emissions reductions can turn these into Carbon Points rewards for their customers. GoZero promotes emissions reductions over offsetting and will provide businesses with discounted Carbon Points generated from actions to reduce emissions. If you have already taken measurable action to reduce emissions in the past, you can also use these to generate rewards for your customers now.


Generate Carbon Points from your offsets

If your business has purchased credible offsets or other carbon removal services elsewhere, you can also turn these into Carbon Points rewards.


Climate Race to 2030

We challenge our Climate Action Businesses to achieve 5% emissions reductions every 12 months, in line with internationally accepted science-based targets and efforts to achieve Net Zero by 2050. GoZero subscriber businesses that achieve their reduction target can also earn recognition by our partners at the Climate Race to 2030, and receive a Climate Race winner label.



Register and join the GoZero marketplace

Register as a GoZero Climate Action Business to create your GoZero Business account.




Reduce by subscribing to Climate Solutions

Select either a 12-month subscription (monthly tab) or a kick-starter rewards campaign (one-time tab) to take action to reduce your carbon emissions, generate rewards for your customers and boost your brand and sales. 



Reward with Carbon Points

Reward your customers and boost your campaign by generating Carbon Points from your greenhouse gas reduction achievements or GoZero's Gold Standard reduction carbon credits.




Request a Demo

Want to find out more information about how GoZero's Climate Solutions and Carbon Points™ can help your business take climate action and reward your customers? Sign up for a demo or chat with our team.